Workers protest looms at BWIA By Sherry Ann Singh (Trinidad Guardian) The threat of industrial and legal action now looms as national carrier=20 BWIA emerges out of the first phase of its retrenchment drive. An=20 additional batch of workers have been sent home, including ten security=20 workers who were served notices on Monday. The Aviation Communication and= =20 Allied Workers Union (ACAWU) says the staff is at the stage of zero=20 tolerance. "The union can no longer guarantee industrial peace," president= =20 general, Christopher Abraham said at a news conference at the union's=20 Tacarigua headquarters yesterday. He called for Government intervention to= =20 save the airline and maintain industrial peace. Workers are uneasy, not=20 knowing if they were next in line to go, he said. In fact, ACAWU is=20 convinced BWIA is engaged in a witch=ADhunt aimed at ridding the airline of= =20 union officers and workers opposed to CEO Conrad Aleong. Of the 44 workers= =20 who parted with the company in the first phase which began last week, 25=20 were unionised. Eight had applied for voluntary separation, which was granted; and of the=20 remaining 17, four were on the union's general council, and two were=20 members of its executive. "There are several other instances which openly=20 support our contention that Mr Aleong's programme of separation is=20 specifically targeted at certain individuals," Abraham said. Based on their= =20 claim of victimisation, ACAWU is seeking legal recourse. Wrongful dismissal= =20 hearings for two of the 44 employees have already begun in the Industrial=20 Court. Abraham said the parties have been advised to settle out of court.=20 He said ACAWU, and the other unions representing BWIA workers, would also=20 take up cases of other employees whom they felt were unfairly targeted.=20 Abraham questioned the firing of ten security workers on Monday, whom he=20 said were replaced by contract labour. He also criticised the carrier for=20 inadequately addressing compensation for displaced workers. Separation letters simply indicate they will be paid in accordance with the= =20 collective agreement but does not specify amount nor payment date. Abraham= =20 warned that BWIA's staff cuts were unnecessary and its service would=20 inevitably be compromised. Meanwhile, BWIA maintained yesterday it had=20 followed the best industrial relations procedures. The owner of Roger's Trinbago Site: Roj (Roger James) *************************************************** email: Trinbago site: CBSC Website *******************************************************