Hi Jan, For arguments sake- lets just say that this is real and that it wasnt a ual 757 that did that- so where is the missing 757 and its passengers? Jan Broe <janbroe@post8.tele.dk> wrote: Hi all, hope I'm not ripping up too many old wounds here, but a colleague just sent= me this link, leading to a site that make X-Files look like fairy tales in= comparison. Here's the URL: http://www.asile.org/citoyens/numero13/pentagone/erreurs_en.htm Definately an interesting theory. Any comments, anyone? Rgds Jan Broe EKCH ATC Joe Pries Commercial Aviation Photography Serving the airline industry with quality photography AOL IM AIRLINE72 http://www.joepries.com --------------------------------- Do You Yahoo!? Try FREE Yahoo! Mail - the world's greatest free email!