> >Northwest Airlines Increases Transborder Air Services > > > > > > WINNIPEG, March 4 /CNW/ - Winnipeg Airports Authority today announced >that Northwest Airlines will increase air service from Winnipeg to >Minneapolis/St. Paul and provide connections beyond to a number of western >U.S. destinations. Effective April 7th, Northwest will add an additional >flight, offering 6 flights daily to Minneapolis-St.Paul International Airport >(MSP). Effective May 1st, Northwest will upgrade the existing mid-day Saab 340 >flight to a Canadair Regional Jet (CRJ). > Coleen Rogers, Executive Vice President & COO, Winnipeg Airports >Authority (WAA) said, "WAA's ongoing marketing efforts are paying off. Growing >the market, and growing to meet the market are Northwest success stories, and >WAA is pleased to partner in their success." > The May 1 CRJ aircraft upgrade includes shorter flight times, bridged >boarding, 50 leather seats, and excellent connections at MSP for evening >arrival into eastern, southern and western U.S. destinations. > Brad Mueller, Manager, Airlink Planning, Northwest Airlines said, "With >WAA's marketing support, the afternoon flight has exceeded everyone's >expectations and has become one of our most popular flights. Increasingly, >Winnipeg travelers are responding to the efficiency, convenience and >reliability that comes with flying on Northwest Airlines. We are pleased that >our partnership with the community and with the WAA has created this clear win >for all concerned." > > Current daily NW flights: > NW 620: DC9S, 100 passengers departs 0502. > NW 409: DC9-4, 110 passengers departs 0645. > NW 780: DC9S, 100 passengers departs 1105. > NW 2873: SF3, 34 passengers departs 1400. > NW 784: DC9S, 100 passengers departs 1605. > > Improvements: > Effective April 7th - NW 3389: SF3, 34 passengers departs 1810 (new > frequency) > Effective May 1 - NW 2873: CRJ. 50 passengers departs 1400. The owner of Roger's Trinbago Site: Roj (Roger James) *************************************************** ICQ Pager: mailto:15836110@pager.icq.com escape email mailto:ejames@escape.ca yahoo email: mailto:triniroj@yahoo.com Trinbago site: http://www.tntisland.com CBSC Group on Yahoo: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/caribsocabrass CBSC Website http://www.tntisland.com/caribbeansocabrassconnection/ ******************************************************* Steel Expressions Orch http://www.escape.ca/~ejames/se/ email #1: mailto:steelexpressions@yahoo.com email #2: mailto:steelexpressions@home.com ******************************************************* The Trinbago Site of the Week: (Flowerline) http://www.flowerlinetnt.com (Flowerline Florist) courtesy of Roj Trinbago Website & TnT Web Directory Roj's Trinbago Website: http://www.tntisland.com TnT Web Directory: *********************************************************