I debated big time on putting that in, but FAR Part 121.391 (a)(1) throws a curve something about greater than 7500 pounds payload capacity (I should have reiterated that more before..."payload capacity") with greater than 9 seats. ...the part which most of us is familiar with starts at (a)(2) where they go into the less than 7,500 pound payload capacity with more than19 seats to less than 51 seat schpeal... Walter DCA ----- Original Message ----- From: <WaterskiPilot@aol.com> To: <AIRLINE@LISTSERV.CUNY.EDU> Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2002 11:14 Subject: Re: trip Tucson to Tampa via Dallas > In a message dated 2/12/02 2:55:33 AM Central Standard Time, wlw-jr@att.net > writes: > > > > The F/A requirements are basically as follows...FAR 121.391 > > greater than 7,500 pounds and 9 to less than 51 seats 1 F/A > > > > I believe the 9 should be 19, otherwise there are a lot of illegal ops out > there. Right Walter? > > Proud to be an American, > Jim Hann > Waterski J-41 Captain > STL >