--part1_14c.6e9abee.296c870b_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit FYI: Scott SFO --part1_14c.6e9abee.296c870b_boundary Content-Type: message/rfc822 Content-Disposition: inline Return-Path: <bounce-ps-inform-261349@webelists.com> Received: from rly-yg02.mx.aol.com (rly-yg02.mail.aol.com []) by air-yg01.mail.aol.com (v82.22) with ESMTP id MAILINYG13-0108122644; Tue, 08 Jan 2002 12:26:44 -0500 Received: from www.webelists.com (www.webelists.com []) by rly-yg02.mx.aol.com (v83.18) with ESMTP id MAILRELAYINYG28-0108122604; Tue, 08 Jan 2002 12:26:04 -0500 Received: from dllspop1.dlls.qwest.net ([]) by www.webelists.com with SMTP (Lyris ListManager WIN32 version 4.1.2); Tue, 08 Jan 2002 09:46:30 -0700 Received: (qmail 41374 invoked from network); 8 Jan 2002 17:11:29 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO ? ( by dllspop1.dlls.qwest.net with SMTP; 8 Jan 2002 17:11:29 -0000 Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2002 09:55:01 -0700 Message-ID: <LYRIS-261349-65799-2002.01.08-09.55.03--Skinniburg#aol.com@webelists.com> From: PS Inform <ps-inform@positivespace.com> To: "PS-Inform" <ps-inform@webelists.com> User-Agent: Microsoft-Outlook-Express-Macintosh-Edition/5.02.2022 Subject: [ps-inform] January Transportation Strikes Update - Italy Mime-version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Reply-To: PS Inform <ps-inform@positivespace.com> X-Mailer: Unknown (No Version) ____________________Sponsored by PositiveSpace.com Tell Your Friends About Us iJET Travel intelligence reports the following: UPDATE: Transportation strikes in Italy to begin Jan. 8; additional strikes expected Jan. 10, 18, 28, and 30. Locations affected by this alert: Italy The following transportation strikes are expected in Italy during Jan: * Jan. 8: Air traffic controllers strike, 1200 to 1600 Rome time (1100-1500 GMT). * Jan. 10: Tirennia ferry workers, 24-hour strike. * Jan. 18: All air transport workers expected to strike, 1000-1800 Rome time (0900-1700 GMT). * Jan. 28: Air traffic controllers to strike at Milan's Linate airport, 1200-1600 (1100-1500 GMT). * Jan. 30: Transportation strike expected to affect air, rail, and ferry services throughout Italy, 1000-0100 (0900-0200 GMT). Recent nationwide strikes by civil aviation personnel and transportation workers have crippled Italian airports. If the strikes occur, expect delays and flight disruptions. To minimize disruptions: * Contact your airline prior to departing for the airport to determine the impact on your flight. * Confirm reservations at least 72 hours before your flight and, if possible, obtain a seat assignment. * If changing a ticket, go to a city ticket office to avoid crowds at the airport. * Arrive at the airport earlier than normal to allow extra time for security screening and check-in. Crowded conditions have caused travelers to miss their flights in the past. The strikes could add stress to alternate transportation systems in Italy and the region. In the event of a strike, expect an increase in road traffic and higher-than-normal crowds on buses and trains. Strikes in Italy are often called off at the last minute. If traveling on the above days, check with your airline before leaving for the airport to determine the status of your flight. The preceding is a sample alert from WorldcuePro. <a href="http://www.ijet.com/services/travelpros.html"> WorldcuePro service for travel agents</a> http://www.ijet.com/services/travelpros.html _______________________ADVERTISEMENT________________________ Wouldn't your friends and colleagues benefit from: * Free travel industry news by e-mail (PS Inform) * Free daily educational newsletter (PS Connx) * Q&A with travel industry experts * On-line directory of 1,800+ agent resources Support PositiveSpace by referring us to your colleagues. <A HREF="http://www.positivespace.com/v2/redirect.phtml?loc_id=9"> Click to refer a friend</A> http://www.positivespace.com/v2/redirect.phtml?loc_id=9 ____________________________________________________________ Copyright 2002 Travel Technology & Magic, Ltd Bulk or commercial redistribution prohibited Register and subscribe at: http://www.positivespace.com/v2/reg_intro.phtml Change your e-mail address or other info at: http://www.positivespace.com/v2/login.phtml Unsubscribe by updating your registration profile at: http://www.positivespace.com/v2/unsub_intro.phtml ______________________________________________________ You are currently subscribed as: < Skinniburg@aol.com > --part1_14c.6e9abee.296c870b_boundary--