Jan 3, 2002 Scandinavian airline SAS is to suspend its five times a week service between Delhi, India, and the Danish capital, Copenhagen.The carrier says the decision has been taken in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks in the United States."Recent global developments and their prognosis for the future have forced SAS to take this temporary measure on the Indian route," said Andres Malm, SAS general manager for India, Nepal and Bhutan."India continues to be a significant market for SAS and with any improvement in the global situation, the decision to suspend the route will be reviewed," he added."In view of the global developments, SAS has from the end of October reduced capacity by 12 percent and withdrawn 17 of its aircraft from service," a company statement released in New Delhi said.Meanwhile, senior pilots at the airline are reported by a Scandinavian newspaper to be on the brink of accepting a 5 percent pay cut to save the jobs of young colleagues.According to Berlingske Tidende the young pilots will work part-time until the aviation industry revives. Originally, it was understood that the cockpit union and management had agreed that the youngest 160 SAS pilots would be laid off. Leo/ORD