12/17/01 2000-2200Z 35L, 35C Ceiling Unlimited Weather was Clear and Cool. EGF 747 (Saab 340B) aborted takeoff on 35C due to unknown reason; returned to gate. AAL B757 aborted landing on 35C when tower seemed to forget to clear an EGF Saab 340B for takeoff on 35C. Tower gave the Saab permission to taxi and hold 35C, advising there was a 757 four miles out. Tower never released the Saab and the 757 aborted. The pilot of the 757 never said anything to Tower that I could hear. The 757 went around and made a second approach. Once again, the 757 pilot never spoke to the Tower; I wonder why <grin>? I guess even the best ATC can make a mistake. This is the second time I've seen this exact same scenario, only it was about six months or more ago. The following is the numbers for when I spotted this afternoon. Beautiful weather to be out there at the observation area. As usual, the delimiter is a ",". Have a great one everyone. BTW, I used SKW for Skywest, as it seemed to be the obvious three letter designator. I don't have a clue what TACA's three letter designator is; maybe someone can help me on that one: DEPARTURES,,,,ARRIVALS,,, AIRLINE,NBR,AIRCRAFT,NBR,AIRLINE,NBR,AIRCRAFT,NBR AAL,29,A319,1,AAL,23,A319,1 BTA,1,B727,5,ATA,1,B717,1 CAA,6,B737,1,CAA,4,B727,3 CTL,1,B757,6,DAL,10,B737,2 DAL,11,B767,2,EGF,4,B757,8 EGF,10,CRJ,9,NWA,1,B767,3 NWA,2,DC09,2,VGD,1,B777,3 SKW,3,E120,2,,,CRJ,3 TACA,1,E145,5,,,DC09,1 ,,F100,4,,,E120,1 ,,MD80,22,,,E145,2 ,,S340B,5,,,F100,2 ,,,,,,MD80,12 ,,,,,,S340B,2