I've got this bit of code, which checks for 'bash'. The user does not
need to use the bash shell, but many scripts assume the back shell and
will fail otherwise (no, I did not write them myself!)
Feel free to tell me how to criticise/improve this if you can.
if test x$foobar != xyes
AC_MSG_WARN([Sorry, the 'bash' shell is needed to build
AC_MSG_WARN([All modern systems will have the 'bash' shell
installed somewhere])
AC_MSG_WARN([On HP-UX you may try adding /opt/OpenSource/bin/ to
your path])
AC_MSG_WARN([On AIX you may try adding /opt/pware/bin to your path])
AC_MSG_ERROR([Exiting, as 'bash' was not found])
As you can see, it offers suggestions of locations where 'bash' may be
found. Clearly, if the person is running on AIX, there is not much point
in telling them where to find bash on HP-UX.
Realistically, any attempt to cross-compile this program will fail. (In
fact, it would require a *major* effort to port it to AIX or HP-UX, but
I thought I'd add the locations of the bash binary on a couple of
systems I have access to).
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