Hey guys
I have a project i am using GNU MP and MPFR for, and i am using:
ACX_PTHREAD(,AC_MSG_ERROR(could not find libpthread))
AC_CHECK_LIB([gmp], [__gmpz_init], ,
[AC_MSG_ERROR([GNU MP not found, see http://gmplib.org/])])
AC_CHECK_LIB([mpfr],[mpfr_init] ,
[AC_MSG_ERROR([MPFR not found, see http://www.mpfr.org/])])
The pthreads comes from a macro acx_pthreads.m4 i think, but the gmp and
mpfr are the problem, I have on a mac machine the libraries in
/usr/local/lib and the headers in /usr/local/include, but on my bsd and
linux machines its all in /usr
The linux and bsd is ok with ac_check_lib, but on mac no, is there a way
to pass the library path and header path? To give -I and -L to gcc or
sun compilers ( i have only been using these compilers so far ) or
whatever compiler.
I can't seem to find anything on this.
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