Hello all autoconf users,
I wonder if there is a way (a macro ?) to obtain the version of a library.
ie. the library has been found by and the results of the check would be
to send
back the version of the library:
*AC_CHECK_LIB* (library, function, [action-if-found],
[action-if-not-found], [other-libraries])
where 'action-if-found' would give me the version of the library.
Thanks for your help.
Dr. Sébastien Le Roux
Department of Physics
203 Dow Science
Central Michigan University
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859, USA
E-mail: s.le-roux@xxxxxxxxx
Webpage: http://www.phy.cmich.edu/people/lerou1s/
Fax: +1 (989) 774 2697
Phone: +1 (989) 774 3180
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