Hello everyone,
I have prepared a 'configure.ac' which tests both for Fortran compilers
and MPI library.
If configure is done using '--with-mpi' option then the configure looks
for MPI libs
and if succeed ad the option '-DMPI' for the compilation of some files
(F90) of the code.
So far everything fines except that I have noticed that some compilers
(IBMs: mpxlf90/mpxlf95)
do not allows such command. For these compilers you need to tell first
to the preprocessor
that you are defining a variable using '-WF,-DMPI' the only command
'-DMPI' won't work.
I wonder if there is a macro to find the good way to tell this to the
preprocessor, if needed, and
so I guess, depending on the Fortran compiler ?
I do not know all Fortran compilers, but if IBM compilers are the only
one having this issue
I can only add an option in the IBM cases ...
Thanks for your advises.
Dr. Sébastien Le Roux
Department of Physics
203 Dow Science
Central Michigan University
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859, USA
E-mail: s.le-roux@xxxxxxxxx
Webpage: http://www.phy.cmich.edu/people/lerou1s/
Fax: +1 (989) 774 2697
Phone: +1 (989) 774 3180
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