Hi autofans!
I am a complete noob to autoconf (and the whole gnu build system) and
just have a question about how to treat things.
I am using a non standard library of a friend in my C project which is
to be statically linked with my stuff.
Therefore I am invoking the library with
LIBS="-lm -lz -ldl -lbz2"
AC_CHECK_LIB([atcore], [ats_new])
AC_CHECK_LIB([atcore], [ats_delete])
in configure.ac. First of all: Is that the intended way to do this?
What should I do to all the other functions from libatcore my program is
using? Should they all be tested seperately?
Stefan Bienert
Zentrum fuer Bioinformatik
Universitaet Hamburg
Bundesstrasse 43
20146 Hamburg
Email: bienert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Phone: +49 (40) 42838 7345
Fax: +49 (40) 42838 7332
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