Re: Optimizing ./configure

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Hello Debarshi,

* Debarshi 'Rishi' Ray wrote on Tue, Sep 19, 2006 at 07:17:39PM CEST:
> I am using the following to generate the configure script
> for a program whose only dependencies are GNU Bash, and GNU
> Libextractor. However on running ./configure, once autoconfig has
> generated it, it checks for bison, gawk, gcc, stdlib.h, and whole lot
> of other things. Is there a way to prevent this?

Not really.  AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE depends on some of these tests, and
AM_GNU_GETTEXT depends on quite a few tests (AC_CHECK_PROG may depend on
one, too, and AC_INIT has some blurb).  You may ask on the gettext
mailing list (bug-gnu-gettext aka. bug-gnu-utils) about whether the set
of dependencies can be relaxed; but I would not hope for much there.
(I know that AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE cannot spare much of its dependencies.)

Using a cache file
  ./configure -C

helps speed up configure reruns.

I think the newest gettext should not be checking for stdlib.h any more,
at least if it follows the lead of Autoconf to assume a C89 compiler


> AC_INIT([GNU Songanizer],[1.0],[bug-songanizer@xxxxxxx],[songanizer-1.0])
> AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR([./config])
> AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([./bin/songanizer])
> AC_CHECK_PROG([found],[extract],[yes],[no])
> if test "$found" = no ; then
>        echo "GNU Libextractor should be installed. See README for details"
>        exit 1
> fi
> ALL_LINGUAS="de fr es ko nl no pl pt sl sv"
> AC_OUTPUT([Makefile bin/Makefile doc/Makefile])

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