I can't do this since the cross-compiler arm-epoc-pe-gcc is provided in binary form and doesn't have , as already sayed , the crt.o startup file. It must be used only for generate .o files./Fix your gcc. More precisely: Change gcc in such a way that it can link. This normally means to supply a startup file (crt.o).
There are cases where this is difficult (bootstrapping gcc, libc or an OS)./
/ /
/> There is a way to specify that the compiler in case 3) shouldOf course no , the problem is that in cases 1 and 2 i have a standard configuration so i can let automake use the compiler for linking(that is the default beahviour). In case 3 i have to use several programs that build other files (.def1,.bas,.exp,.exe and finally .app ) to link all the objects into an executable. This means i've to switch among two totally different configuration. From autoconf i can see if i'm cross-compiling and what kind of host i'm configuring for(e.g. arm-linux or arm-epoc-pe). Now i can't figure out how to force automake to generate makefiles that take in account standard building behaviour in case 1 and 2 and the more complex build style in case 3.never used to generate executables?Do you expect executable to fall out of the sky? :)/
/There exist several ways to work around these problems: * extend gcc to do what you what it to do. * Pass appropriate flags (CC="gcc-<target> --startfile=/somewhere/start.o --nostdinc -L/somewhere/ --spec myspec ..." or similar) * Use a wrapper script. * If using automake, override automake's linker related make-variables. What might be applicable to you depends on your particular problem/situation./
From what you say and the discussion above i think that the last way (override automake's linker related variables) should be appropriate. Do you think that overriding the linker it's possible to use a small toolchain (some .o files --> xyz.def1--->xyz.exp-->xyz.exe--->xyz.app ) for linking of an executable instead of a single linker command ?
/> Moreover there is a way to have theWhy do you think that ? In the end it should right the thing i'm asking for! :)above behaviour for building sources in the case 3) and a standard gcc executable generation on case 1) and 2) ?
You don't really want to do that ;)/
Thanks for help.
Best regards, Mario L. Bernardi