I've been trying to sort out autoconf and other options to the GNU build/toolchain. I believe autoconf could be the way to go based on the GNU configuration I want: 1) A GNU configuration that supports the GNU toolchain REGARDLESS of device (OS, embedded, non, etc.). Toolchain components i.e. gcc, g++, binutils, make and gdb to fully support the GNU build process. 2) I believe shell should be avoided in cross platform apps, but the initial application in this case would be shell, C and other languages to follow. The configuration would need to check for the existence of selected GNU tools and optionally their version, for example sed 3.02 or patch 2.5.8. Quite often command utilities like sed on Cygwin, Linux, Solaris, or HP-UX can come in a variety of three or more flavors... Tools would include GNU command line utilities, autotools, packaging and compiler toolchain. 3) Say the OS has sed 2.95, could the application's GNU dependencies would be self-contained with the correct source to compile for the platform, otherwise use the existing version? Busybox looks like it has some of these features, but geared to Linux targets only? However, based on my browsing it looks like it and scratchbox looks promising. Before I dive into the intricacies of autoconf, is there an easier way or can you tell me if I'm on the right track? TIA, cs