As I posted back in April, I am writing a book for O'Reilly on RPM and
YUM. The timescales have slipped somewhat due to the demands of the day
job, but it is starting to come together. Apologies to those who
volunteered to review the book - I will have something to look at soon now.
While trying to get my head around everything to do with yum I realized
that the man page is rather indigestible. It lists about 30 different
commands in no discernible order. One could organize the commands into
three categories: (1) reporting (on packages, groups, repos and
dependencies), (2) package installation, upgrade and removal, and (3)
housekeeping and miscellaneous. I would be happy to modify the man page
if people would like to get an idea of how it might be restructured.
Andrew Ford
South Wing Compton House, Compton Green,
Redmarley, Gloucestershire, GL19 3JB, UK
Tel: +44 1531 829900
Mobile: +44 7785 258278
Email: A.Ford@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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