Hi everybody.
I am battling with this issue for a long time, but never found the time
to ask for help.
I am maintaining repository for CentOS 5.x with amongst other things a
OpenOffice 3.x packages. I unpacked them to repository folder and then
created fake packages that pull all necessary packages . ooo3-base pulls
common packages and ooo3-en-US for example pulls language specific packages.
I first run into problem when I wanted to easily replace old OpenOffice
2.x packages with OOO 3.1.1 buy adding Obsoletes: …. into spec file, but
I am not able to force yum do remove OpenOffice 2.x packages.
Now OOO has changed packages from
(note the change in package name from 3.1 to 3.2, so there is no clear
update path.
Yum version is yum-3.2.22-20.el5.centos.
Is there anything to add to spec file of the fake package so packages
named openoffice3.1- would be updated with openoffice3.2- counterparts?
Or at least to force yum to automatically remove older version prior to
installation of the new version?
Ljubomir Ljubojevic
Yum mailing list