On Sat, 14 Nov 2009, Konstantin Ryabitsev wrote:
2009/11/14 arpit Aggarwal <arpit07531@xxxxxxxxx>:
Does yum download packages in parts(like download managers) or it simply
downloads packages in a single session??
If yum downloads packages without splitting them into parts, then why not
develop a plugin for yum that will make yum download packages like a
download manager.
Moreover it should be made such that yum may be able to download multiple
packages simultaneously and all packages in parts after dependencies has
been resolved.
This will greatly improve speed of installing and updating of packages.
Is it feasible??
Yes, it's just hard, because you have to rewrite so much of the
downloader code. If done right, you could even create a swarm that
could download the same package from 10 different mirrors.
you don't have to rewrite the downloader code. You could just do a
download plugin so that it intercepts the list of pkgs yum WOULD be
downloading, downloads them using the magical-swarm-downloading that you
describe and then when yum calls 'downloadPkgs()' it says 'oh, look at
that, I already have all these cached' and continues on.
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