On Wed, 25 Mar 2009, Gerry Reno wrote:
We're seeing a number of hangs using preupgrade at the "Generating metadata
..." stage. The hangs are so tight that they corrupt the mdraid arrays which
were probably in the middle of a write. The causes the arrays to resync on
next boot which takes a couple hours. The hang always occurs on a disk
access as we can see the array activity light stays on after the hang. I
suspect some type of uninterrupible infinite loop is going on. Once the hang
occurs the server completely stop responding to inputs: network, keyboard,
mouse, etc. I did not find any core files upon reboot.
We're on our fourth attempt with one machine to get preupgrade to complete
without this hang.
Is it in the middle of making the sqlite files? That's the only thing I
can think of that's very disk-write intensive.
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