iainlea wrote:
Here is some background on the http tree i have setup:
http://build/F9/i386/extras/ copy of "Everything" Packages/ dir. PROBLEM!
path here is Fxxx
name=FC$releasever/$basearch - core
path here is FCxxx
But I guess that was just a typo in this email ?
yum -d 10 --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=extras list available
Alternatively, if extras is just Fedora/everything you could mirror the
repodata from /Everything/, along with the packages. {the catch is to
arrange the folders in the same relative paths as they are on the mirror}.
> In extras/ repo there are ~9700 packages so could that be a problem ?
As I understand it that is how many packages are in Fedora/Everything repo.
> Could a problem be caused by some of the packages being identical and
> also available in the core/Packages/ dir repo ?
This works OK. yum uses the highest EVR, {or probably the first it reads
if identical}.
By the way there is a project in the works that aims to ease the
creation of on site Fedora/yum mirrors, I forget the name.
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