I am starting to maintain a collection of yum repositories on an Ubuntu machine. (Most of our workstations are Red Hat-ish, hence yum. I like Debian and Ubuntu, so that's what the server is running.) So I figured I would need a "private" copy of a recent version of createrepo somewhere near the repositories. (By "private" I just mean "not in /usr/bin", not "nobody else can run it".) (Incidentally, an old version of createrepo, 0.4.6, is packaged for my Ubuntu version (feisty, 7.04), I *could* just "apt-get install createrepo". But that's so ... so ... uninteresting. Easy, even. And I'm hoping more recent versions are faster.) I have had a number of problems getting this working. Some are cultural, like I expect a README file to tell me what other packages are required to get this package working. I just figured out "look in the spec file, stupid", and indeed, there they are. I would suggest adding a sentence to both yum and createrepo's README files along the lines of "look in the spec file, stupid". Will happily provide patches. (On reflection, I think it would be nice to have more details in the README: when someone is building from source, they are more likely to have to go dig up sources for required packages. For example, yum imports gpgme with no explanation -- apart from a "Requires" line in the spec file -- of what gpgme is or how I satisfy that dependency. I had to boot up a vmware of an FC7 machine, run "yum install pygpgme", and follow the URL in the installed package. Ouch! It would have been much easier if the URL had been in yum's README in the first place. Or INSTALL, whatever.) Also, I don't understand why createrepo needs 400+ lines of make in four Makefiles. I just wrote a 6-line setup.py that does 80% of what "make install" does, and I think I could add the remaining 20% pretty easily. Is there a reason yum and createrepo use make instead of distutils? If not, I'll happily provide setup scripts too. Anyways. I am getting closer, but have not pulled it off yet. Let me know if you want those patches. And remind me to write up how I pull this off, if in fact I do. ;-) Greg _______________________________________________ Yum mailing list Yum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx https://lists.dulug.duke.edu/mailman/listinfo/yum