Re: help! how to up grade my glibc?

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seth vidal wrote:
On Tue, 2007-08-07 at 16:48 +0800, wang9736 wrote:
hi all i use redhat linux 7.3 ,and want to upgrade my glibc from 2.2.5 to
my yum.conf is below

dose it means website above dosenot supply any software i need ?
how should i do?

by the way i have a Fedora 7 DVD iso disk,how can i upgrade my glibc
to the newest on the DVD disk?the high version will be compatible with my kernel?
Short version:
 the version of red hat linux you have installed is very, very old and
the best way to upgrade it is to reinstall your system to a newer
version. Use the fedora7 dvd you have to install the whole distribution.
Slightly longer: glibc is the building blocks that 1202 packages on my 
Fedora 7 installation rely upon. You would end up upgrading everything 
anyway, so you might as well install the current release if your 
hardware can support it.
on the existing system:
rpm -qa --queryformat="%{name} " > packagelistold.txt
backup the /etc /home /var {dbs etc}

on the new install:
do a minimal install {uncheck all packages and groups except yum - this leaves a bootable os}.
yum install `cat packagelistold.txt`

I have found in the past that:
- the packages line generated might be too long and needs to be split into shorter paths. - some packages change names, and would have to be removed from the packagelistold.txt file.
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