Thanks Seth.
This was a case of not having come across such a massive set of
dependencies before.
I am now wise to the tangled webs that can exist, such as here, with
I'm just going to leave hal alone.
Yum apparently was just doing it's job.
On WednesdayJul 11, 2007, at 3:17 PM, seth vidal wrote:
On Wed, 2007-07-11 at 14:26 -0600, Wayne Sweatt wrote:
Dear Yum Team,
I've been promoting the use of Yum here for managing our Fedora 3-6
and RHEL 4 systems for several months now, and we've had some issues
that we've worked around, but NOW there seems to be a big complaint
about Yum doing one of it's basic tasks with what certainly seems to
be irrational design.
An administrator was removing the Hal daemon package(s) and Yum
decided it needed to remove 182 packages. I mean.. really!
This was on a RHEL 4 (update 3) system, with an "Everything" install
The yum command was:
"yum remove hal hal-devel"
The Yum dependency resolution determined that the removal of 182 RPMs
was necessary - as seen below.
Our admin killed the process before Yum butchered too much of the
system's packages.
How in the world can this list be valid?
kernel-utils? anaconda? firefox? system-config-* ?
Please explain/help?
Here's an easy way to read about it:
rpm -e --test hal hal-devel
error: Failed dependencies:
hal >= is needed by (installed)
hal >= 0.5.0 is needed by (installed)
hal >= 0.5.9 is needed by (installed)
hal >= 0.5.0 is needed by (installed)
hal >= 0.2.96 is needed by (installed) kudzu-
hal >= 0.5.7 is needed by (installed)
hal >= 0.5.6 is needed by (installed)
hal >= 0.5.0 is needed by (installed)
hal >= 0.5.9 is needed by (installed) gdm-2.18.2-1.fc7.i386
hal >= 0.5.2 is needed by (installed)
hal >= 0.5.0 is needed by (installed)
hal >= 0.5.9 is needed by (installed)
hal-devel >= 0.5.7 is needed by (installed)
then trace all of those deps back out. You're removing most of
gnome b/c
of gnome-vfs2 going away with it.
It's not an issue with yum, it's an issue with the deps. Why are you
removing hal anyway?
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