I a running a fedora core 4, and i have a problem when I run the red hat Network "Une erreur fatale s'est produite lors de la communication avec le serveur. Le message ?tait : An HTTP error occurred: URL: http://rpm.livna.org/fedora/3/i386/RPMS.lvn//ffmpeg-0.4.9-0.lvn.0.20.20051228.4.i386.rpm Status Code: 404 Error Message: Not Found" Sorry I am French, and the message is in french I think YUM cannot find the product because the RELEASEVER is Wrong. the product http://rpm.livna.org/fedora/4/i386/RPMS.lvn//ffmpeg-0.4.9-0.lvn.0.20.200512228.4 exist, but http://rpm.livna.org/fedora/3/i386/RPMS.lvn//ffmpeg-0.4.9-0.lvn.0.20.200512228.4 doesn't. Why ? I don't understand why it's not running? Can you help me? Thank's Francois