Hello, I've been trying to drive yum from a script. I've realized that yum (the command) is really a command-line GUI, not designed for being scripted the UNIX way. For example: I wanted to get the names of packages available for update. Easy, I thought, I'll just parse the output of "yum list updates". But there is a problem with packages whose name is longer than the width of the column for names. Some packages' name ends "under" the version column. So, what are my options? I'd rather not have to hack a Python wrapper around the Yum libraries to provide a scriptable interface. Instead, I would like to hack yum itself so that it presents a scriptable interface when a given command-line option (how about --scriptable?) is used. How about that? Is that a good idea? Am I reinventing the foot or even (gasp!) shooting myself in the wheel?