I am getting tons (like on maybe 1500 machines) of yum errors like this: http://wwwin-kickstart/path//repodata/primary.xml.gz: [Errno -1] Metadata file does not match checksum The problem here is that after I update my yum repo, the transparent caching engines on our very large global network take their sweet time to update their cache. I see this all over. A temporary fix is to trick the proxy to update it's cache with wget and it's "--cache=off" option. # Old cache $ wget -q http://wwwin-kickstart/path//repodata/primary.xml.gz -O - | sha1sum abb2d1391f24bab5c923795da89106a422998ca8 - # Old cache... it isn't a fluke $ wget -q http://wwwin-kickstart/path//repodata/primary.xml.gz -O - | sha1sum abb2d1391f24bab5c923795da89106a422998ca8 - # Bypass cache $ wget -q --cache=off http://wwwin-kickstart/path//repodata/primary.xml.gz -O - | sha1sum 90d664b7fc3c908f9952faa9882d514564039a6c - # The bypass updated the cache $ wget -q http://wwwin-kickstart/path//repodata/primary.xml.gz -O - | sha1sum 90d664b7fc3c908f9952faa9882d514564039a6c - After that, things are fixed. Yum doesn't complain about checksum mis-matches and works perfectly. Please please tell me Seth that I'm missing the magic yum.conf option that I can set to get yum to do the same thing that wget does with the "--cache=off" option!! -- Joshua Jensen joshua@xxxxxxxx "If God didn't want us to eat animals, why did he make them out of meat?"