Hi!! I recently installed fc3 and have trouble with using 3rd party repos. Yum used to run quite fine for the default repo with fc3. The following is the directory listing of my /etc/yum.repos.d/ dagkey dries.repo fedora-updates.repo freshrpms.repo dag.repo fedora-devel.repo fedora-updates-testing.repo local-base drieskey fedora.repo freshrpmskey local-updates the key files are the keys for the digitally signed rpms which i used to import. Now, when i run yum this is what i get(after a very long time) [root@Moonglade yum.repos.d]# yum install gmplayer Setting up Install Process Setting up Repo: dries http://apt.sw.be/dries/fedora/linux/3/i386/dries/RPMS/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 4] IOError: HTTP Error 504: Gateway Time-out Trying other mirror. Cannot open/read repomd.xml file for repository: dries failure: repodata/repomd.xml from dries: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try. Now my dries.repo file is as follows: [dries] name=Extra Fedora rpms dries - $releasever - $basearch baseurl=http://apt.sw.be/dries/fedora/linux/$releasever/$basearch/dries/RPMS/ gpgcheck=1 I even tried moving removing the repo all together and then it gets stuck up in dag. My net connection is through a proxy server and the proxies are specified in the bashrc file(as i told you earlier the default repo was working fine). Can somebody tell me whats happening? Thanks. Ram Kumar ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ramkumar V 309, Jamuna Hostel, IIT Madras, Adyar, Chennai. ram.v.kumar@xxxxxxxxx