This is Matt with We are a hosting company that currently has about 80 Mbits of Bandwidth that goes idle between 6pm - 10 am everyday. We use Red Hat Enterprise 3 and 4 and compile updates ourselves and run our own up2date server. I would like to provide FREE updates for the community for RHEL 3,4 and SUSE using YUM instead. I want to provide a simply RPM for SUSE and Redhat that will then use our own Yum server to keep these systems current. Is this feasable with Yum? My specific questions are. 1) If I compile the RPMs from source for RHEL 3 and 4 will the Yum server/client pick up the naming conventions properly and update all my packages? I know this is how Whitebox and Centos do it, but is it a generic Yum install or is it a modified one? 2) Is there anyone out there in the community that has experience in this exact situation that would like to be paid $$$ for helping get us in the right direction? If so please email back to admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx or call Matt Heaton at (801) 836-7666 3) Am I duplicating someone elses work? I don't believe there are any free RHEL 3 or 4, or SUSE update sites out there? I have plenty of free bandwidth which is normally not the case and so I want to help ourselves and everyone else without paying Redhat for every updated machine on my network? Thanks, Matt Heaton