On Tue, 2004-09-21 at 11:09 +1000, The Salisburys wrote: > Hi > FIRST time ever I have a prob with yum. > Is the server having a problem??? > > This may be a temporary problem but 2 days now ...... > > > > # yum upgrade > . > blah blah > . > Is this ok [y/N]: y > Getting stat-3.3-4.i386.rpm > Error getting file > http://mirror.dulug.duke.edu/pub/yum-repository/redhat/8.0/i386//RedHat/RPMS/stat-3.3-4.i386.rpm > [Errno 4] IOError: HTTP Error 404: Not Found > > The server, in this case, is just a mirror site that's pointed to one location. And it happened b/c I ran out of space on the mirror and had to make some. I removed the rhl 8.0 archive b/c I honestly didn't expect anyone to be using it. I forgot to check the yum-repository path. However, I'd like to mention that: 1. 8.0 hasn't been updated at that path in months 2. 8.0 is not getting any new errata from red hat 3. 8.0 is not getting any new errata from fedora legacy. So if you're still using 8.0 you should: 1. think hard about upgrading to something that is being supported still 2. try finding a mirror that has the diskspace to continue housing this version. I'm sorry if I've caused you any problems, I'm just out of diskspace. -sv