Hi, I am using Fedora Core2, kernel-2.6.8-1.521. Today I did a "yum check-update" and then a "yum update". I got the following error message: conflict between xorg-x11-font-utils xorg-x11-base-fonts Can someone offer some indication of what I need to to do to resolve this? I did find an obscure reference to something about this (I think) here: http://fedora.linux.duke.edu/fedorapeople/ (Look down in the xorg-x11- section, comments by Mike Harris dated Aug 31, 2004). I guess what I'm asking for is more information on how to proceed when yum encounters a conflict. Thanks much, Christian (ps - is this list archived anywhere in a searchable format???) ---------------------------------------------- Christian Cryder Internet Architect, ATMReports.com Project Chair, BarracudaMVC - http://barracudamvc.org ---------------------------------------------- "Coffee? I could quit anytime, just not today"