> > > I just installed the rpm, leaving my existing /etc/yum.conf in place, > and got this when I ran it, running FC2: > [root@coyote dlds-rpms]# yum check-update > Setting up Repo: updates-testing > http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/updates/testing/2/i386/repodata/repomd.xml: > [Errno 4] IOError: HTTP Error 404: Not Found > Trying other mirror. > Cannot open/read repomd.xml file for repository: updates-testing > failure: repodata/repomd.xml from updates-testing: [Errno 256] No more > mirrors to try. > > Do I need to update my yum.conf to yum.conf.rpmnew? your repositories are just wrong. You need to get your repositories setup for whatever distro you're using. > Humm, that got the same error for the duke repo: > [root@coyote dlds-rpms]# yum check-update > Setting up Repo: base > http://mirror.dulug.duke.edu/pub/yum-repository/redhat/2/i386/repodata/repomd.xml: > [Errno 4] IOError: HTTP Error 404: Not Found There is no duke repo named redhat/2/ -sv