While diagnosing my Samba/printing problem, I discovered I need to alter a print queue. Further, I found I need to use redhat-config-printer (RH9 box). For some reason, I didnt have this config utility, and I fired up yum to assist: *** [salvatore@home salvatore]$ sudo yum install redhat-config-printer Password: Gathering header information file(s) from server(s) Server: Red Hat Linux 9 - i386 - freshrpms Server: Mozilla SeaMonkey Releases Server: RedHat 9.0 NewRPMS.sunsite.dk Server: Red Hat Linux 9 - i386 - os Server: Red Hat Linux 9 stock @ dulug Server: Red Hat Linux 9 updates/errata @ dulug Server: Red Hat Linux 9 - i386 - updates Server: Red Hat Linux 9 ( xcyborg / bleeding ) Server: Red Hat Linux 9 ( xcyborg / stable ) Finding updated packages Downloading needed headers Resolving dependencies .package gnome-cups-manager needs cups-drivers (not provided) package gnome-cups-manager needs cups-drivers-hpijs (not provided) *** The packages gnome-cups-manager, cups-drivers and cups-drivers-hpijs are all installed locally and are the latest versions. If I cannot install the -config-printer because it needs these packages, and yum says these packages are current, what's the next step? Many thanks for any assistance, and patience. -- .salvatore http://www.palmisanonet.com/ http://www.sienar.org/