Hi I just installed Fedora Core 1 and would like to check for updates using yum. I edited /etc/yum.conf to look like this: [main] cachedir=/var/cache/yum debuglevel=2 logfile=/var/log/yum.log pkgpolicy=newest distroverpkg=fedora-release tolerant=1 exactarch=1 retries=10 [fedora-us-1] name=Fedora Core 1 -- Fedora US mirror baseurl=http://download.fedora.us/fedora/fedora/1/i386/yum/os http://mirrors.usc.edu/pub/linux/fedora/fedora/fedora/1/i386/yum/os http://mirrors.kernel.org/fedora.us/fedora/fedora/1/i386/yum/os [fedora-us-1-updates] name=Fedora Core 1 updates -- Fedora US mirror baseurl=http://download.fedora.us/fedora/fedora/1/i386/yum/updates http://mirrors.usc.edu/pub/linux/fedora/fedora/fedora/1/i386/yum/updates http://mirrors.kernel.org/fedora.us/fedora/fedora/1/i386/yum/updates [fedora-us-1-stable] name=Fedora Linux (stable) for Fedora Core 1 -- Fedora US mirror baseurl=http://download.fedora.us/fedora/fedora/1/i386/yum/stable http://mirrors.usc.edu/pub/linux/fedora/fedora/fedora/1/i386/yum/stable http://mirrors.kernel.org/fedora.us/fedora/fedora/1/i386/yum/stable When I try running 'yum info', I get the following output: [root@caotsndc500 root]# yum info Gathering header information file(s) from server(s) Server: Fedora Core 1 -- Fedora US mirror retrygrab() failed for: http://mirrors.usc.edu/pub/linux/fedora/fedora/fedora/1/i386/yum/os/headers/ header.info Executing failover method retrygrab() failed for: http://mirrors.kernel.org/fedora.us/fedora/fedora/1/i386/yum/os/headers/head er.info Executing failover method retrygrab() failed for: http://download.fedora.us/fedora/fedora/1/i386/yum/os/headers/header.info Executing failover method failover: out of servers to try Error getting file http://mirrors.usc.edu/pub/linux/fedora/fedora/fedora/1/i386/yum/os/headers/ header.info [Errno 7] HTTP Error (CannotSendRequest): I am behind a proxy, so I created http_proxy variable. When I use just the "proxy_name:port#", I get the above error. I checked the archives and found a way to add userID and password, but when I tried providing user:password in that variable, I got an error about an invalid proxy port number. My proxy userID contains an '@' character, I think that causes the port number error. Is there a way to make yum client work on my network? TIA. Regards Marcin