Hi all, I am trying to get failover working but I cannot seem to get it to behave the way I want. The man page says that if I specify failover=priority then "priority starts from the first baseurl listed and reads through them sequentially". This is what I am trying to achieve. yum seems to be doing round robin no matter what I specify. What I want to do is use the local filesystems when they are available but if for instance yum is run from a laptop that is on the road I still want yum to function. Here is what I get: (tigger pts9) # yum -d10 -e2 update Gathering header information file(s) from server(s) Server: my Red Hat Linux 8.0 base CacheDir: /var/cache/yum/base Getting header.info from server failover: baseURL = ftp://ftp.my.com/pub/yum-repository/redhat/8.0/i386/ failover: path = headers/header.info headerinfofn: /var/cache/yum/base/header.info Server: my Red Hat Linux 8.0 docs CacheDir: /var/cache/yum/docs Getting header.info from server failover: baseURL = ftp://ftp.my.com/pub/yum-repository/redhat/8.0/doc/RedHat/ failover: path = /headers/header.info headerinfofn: /var/cache/yum/docs/header.info Server: my 8.0 local updates CacheDir: /var/cache/yum/local_updates Getting header.info from server failover: baseURL = ftp://ftp.my.com/pub/yum-repository/local/8.0/i386/ failover: path = /headers/header.info headerinfofn: /var/cache/yum/local_updates/header.info 0, 4.0.4, 8x.27 vs 0, 4.0.5, 1.8x = -1 ... The next run will use the file://... repositories/ The config file looks like this: [main] cachedir=/var/cache/yum debuglevel=2 logfile=/var/log/yum.log pkgpolicy=newest failover=priority [base] name=$YUM2 Red Hat Linux $releasever base baseurl=file:///icarus/mirrors/ftp/pub/yum-repository/redhat/$releasever/$basearch/ ftp://ftp.my.com/pub/yum-repository/redhat/$releasever/$basearch/ gpgcheck=1 [updates] name=$YUM2 Red Hat Linux $releasever updates baseurl=file:///icarus/mirrors/ftp/pub/yum-repository/redhat/updates/$releasever/ ftp://ftp.my.com/pub/yum-repository/redhat/updates/$releasever/ gpgcheck=1 [local_updates] name=$YUM2 $releasever local updates baseurl=file:///icarus/mirrors/ftp/pub/yum-repository/local/$releasever/$basearch/ ftp://ftp.my.com/pub/yum-repository/local/$releasever/$basearch/ gpgcheck=1 [docs] name=$YUM2 Red Hat Linux $releasever docs baseurl=file:///icarus/mirrors/ftp/pub/yum-repository/redhat/$releasever/doc/RedHat/ ftp://ftp.my.com/pub/yum-repository/redhat/$releasever/doc/RedHat/ gpgcheck=1 What am I missing?? -- ......Tom Registered Linux User #14522 http://counter.li.org tdiehl@xxxxxxxxxxxx My current SpamTrap -------> mtd123@xxxxxxxxxxxx