some questions about the [server] sections in yum.conf, so i can write it up as if i understand it (simple questions first): 0) it's potentially confusing to refer to these as "server" sections when, as i groused and whined before :-), they're really repository sections, no? just being pedantic. 1) is the "gpgcheck" line mandatory? from seth's previous posting listing the default settings, gpgcheck is not listed there. if it doesn't have a default setting, is there a reason for this? just curious. 2) is there any value to the "name" value other than being human readable for public consumption? 3) what is the effect of having multiple [server] sections? as i read it, whenever i run a client-side yum operation, *all* servers will be consulted for potential, say, updates. but suppose i add the freshrpms yum repo to my yum.conf, and i want to update *only* those RPMs for which newer versions exist at freshrpms. AFAICT, i can't do that, even though it seems that this might be a useful feature (i might create repositories with a particular theme, like multimedia). is there any way to do this, other than creating separate yum.conf files and using "-C" on the yum command line? rday