From man yum.conf: debuglevel debug level. valid numbers are 0-10. default is 2. errorlevel debug level. valid numbers are 0-2. default is 2. From man yum: -d [number] Sets the debugging level to [number] - turns up or down the amount of things that are printed. -e [number] Sets the error level to [number] 0 - 10. 0 means print only critical errors about which you must be told. 1 means print all errors, even ones that are not overly important. 1+ means print more errors (if any) -e 0 is good for cron jobs. So what are the real debug and error limits? Reminds me the joke about the 10 kinds of people - those who know binary and those who dont. I think the limits and defaults should appear in both manuals, or if only in one of them, a reference should be inserted to the other manual, like: "For more info see man yum.conf" I also found that there is no proper error checking for debug level and error level. You can run yum -d 100 or yum -e 100 without getting any error or usage message.