Hi Robert, I'm replying to this email since I seem to have deleted the original mail you sent out regarding the HOWTO. Here are my comments: - You mention in the 'HOWTO Organization' that the document is geared towards the Sys Admin type, but it seems that you end up doing a lot of explaining of more basic stuff such as 'be careful when you're root' kinda thing. Other sections seem quite wordy, at least for a HOWTO anyway. Don't get me wrong, I think what is there is well-written; it's just most HOWTOs out there for linux stuff seem to be more of the short-but-sweet style. In short, I think you could strip out a lot of stuff without taking away from the document as a whole. ie. I don't think you need to have stuff like 'how to use CVS', etc. in there. As it is, I think it reads more like a 'yum for dummies' - It explains stuff so everyone can understand, but that makes it harder for semi-knowledgable people to find the information they want. - In section(s) 10.2 ... 10.4 I assume you will mention the current defaults of the rpm (ie. nightly updates on/off), etc. and perhaps an easy way to change these defaults? ie. install the src.rpm and comment/uncomment the spec as needed, then rebuild. - group stuff: I actually only use groupupdate - not groupinstall, but maybe that is just me. Anyway, groupupdate installs everything in that group if it is not already installed, as well as updating stuff that is installed, so I didn't find a good reason to use groupinstall. Of course, Seth may have a good reason... Also, I think it would be helpful to show an example yumgroups.xml file and mention how to generate one (by hand, or using Seth's yumgengroups.py or my yumgroups.pl - both located here: http://linux.duke.edu/projects/yum/download/misc/ ) I think if people see how easy it is to setup the groups stuff they'll realize how useful it can be. OK, I hope you find that helpful. If not, feel free to ignore! Thanks for the HOWTO :) -Jeff