> Obviously I think that this would be a great boon to development sites > e.g. the Mozilla site. One reason everybody is fairly cautious about > upgrading is the likelihood of something breaking and the PITA of > backing off if it does. Yum could utterly and forever remove this as a > PITA and indeed make it easy. (The ability to lock clients to tagged > full revision sets would incidentally be of great benefit to e.g. banks > and hospitals as well, as they often have to undergo a federally > mandated process of testing and approval to change ANYTHING in their > underlying systems). > > rgb I've also been pondering the ability to do rollbacks. The hurdle that I keep stumbling against is packages that don't play well with other. Config files are nasty. Rpm -U will often(sigh) make a backup of configs. The rollback mechanism needs to deal with the possibly changed configs. hmmm This is getting well beyond yum, but if you also committed /etc/** at the rollback points.... Thanks Dave Farning