Mind a suggestion for your article? In view of the fedora vs RHN hoohah, there is gonna be a huge interest in cross-distro upgrades. The only mentions I've seen say yum *might* work with a few "worked for me's", but nothing on when it might not or what could happen when it doesn't. I'm making backups right now, hoping to upgrade from RH8 to fedora from a cheapo CD set I bought for insurance, being unwilling to trust the "might nots" above. Plan to do a clean install preserving only the /home partition, then use yum to update from there. It would be a HUGE help if someone had researched RH8 and RH9 to fedora conversion via yum and reported the results. -- Brad J. Cox, PhD, 703 361 4751, http://virtualschool.edu http://virtualschool.edu/mybank Digital Rights Management System http://virtualschool.edu/jco Java Cryptographic Objects (JCO) http://virtualschool.edu/jwaa Java Web Application Architecture (JWAA) http://virtualschool.edu/java+ Java Preprocessor (Java+)