Okay. I confess. I'm a newbie. I was totally stoked when I went back to my RH9 distro and installed an RPM without the handholding of a wizard. So forgive me if I oversimplify.... I'm tired of searching freshrpms for an rpm and then for all its dependencies. I'm tired of finding out, along the way, that I'm 3 months behind on some critical update or security patch. I'm tired of worrying that there are more such things I never stumble over. So when I learned about Yum and started reading, I thought "There is a God. And yes, he loves me." Then I started reading the How To. Remember that part where I said I was stoked about really simple stuff? And now I have to reconfigure my hard drives to make space for 3 or 4 repositories (freshrpms, os, updates), configure those repos then set up the cron entries. THATS gonna happen. Might as well ask me to walk on water, juggle flaming violins and manage to play a Mozart sonnata as they go by. Don't get me wrong. I'm not opposed to figuring all that stuff out. But I need baby steps. And devoting a week to getting the system set up properly ain't baby steps for me. First step for me should be "get my system up to date". If I understand things correctly, I can just run something like "yum update" and yum will use its default repos (the ones set up, maintained and supported by OTHER people) to get me fixed up. My first question is: Is this kosher? I don't want to wear out my welcome on these default sites. My second question is: If I want to put RH9 on all 5 of my computers here at home, would it still be kosher to rely on those default sites for each, or am I crossing the bounds of good taste? My third question is: Assuming that everyone yelled "SET UP YOUR OWN REPO" in response to Q2, how much drive space am I likely to need to set them up? (I did a test rsynch yesterday and ran out of space after 3Gig. Just how much space should I be planning on dedicating to all this?) Thanks to all involved for creating such a bloody useful tool. Thanks for tolerating newbie questions. Thanks for answering mine. And thanks for putting those little colored candies on Hawaiian donuts. (I'm not sure where your powers end. :-) Jefficus