Hi folks, Newest daily is here. (sorry for two today but - well, I was thinking about it a lot.) Changes: The config file now has variables. You can do the following: $basearch is replaced with the arch as returned by archwork.getArch() - for example: if you're i686/i586/i486 it will return i386 $arch is replaced with your actual arch as returned by os.uname()[4] $releasever is replaced with the result of the python equivalent of rpm -q --qf %{version} somepkg the pkg that is 'somepkg' is defined by the value of distroverpkg in main - it defaults to redhat-release so the below: [base] name=Red Hat Linux $releasever base - $basearch baseurl=http://mirror.dulug.duke.edu/pub/yum-repository/redhat/$releasever/$basearch/ on my 7.3 pentium 4 with distroverpkg not defined in [main] becomes. [base] name=Red Hat Linux 7.3 base - i386 baseurl=http://mirror.dulug.duke.edu/pub/yum-repository/redhat/7.3/i386/ Does that make sense to everyone? Hell, does that make sense to anyone? The first person to write that into something bordering on sensible for the man page will get a gold star. thanks - let me know when it breaks. -sv