On Tue, 2003-07-01 at 16:11, Brian Lalor wrote: > Good afternoon, all. I'm trying to set up a local repository for use with a > small cluster of Red Hat Advanced Server machines. Since the binary RPMs are > only available via up2date/the RHN, I've used my single RHN on one of the > machines and configured up2date to only download the packages and not install > them. I'm then sucking the downloaded updates into my yum repository and > running yum-arch in the directory containing the updates. I've got separate > base and updates repositories; the base comes from the CDs. > > The problem I've got is that I'm not seeing some of the packages that are in > the repository via "yum list". In particular, the updated kernel-enterprise > packages aren't visible (kernel-enterprise is for machines with greater than > 4G of RAM). After running yum-arch for both repositories, I see the following > files: > ./base/kernel-enterprise-2.4.9-e.3.i686.rpm > ./base/headers/kernel-enterprise-0-2.4.9-e.3.i686.hdr > ./updates/headers/kernel-enterprise-0-2.4.9-e.25.i686.hdr > ./updates/kernel-enterprise-2.4.9-e.25.i686.rpm > > I don't know where that -0- comes from between the name and the version for > the header filenames... it's epoch > > "yum list kernel*" doesn't show the kernel-enterprise. Any ideas? shell * expansion try yum list kernel\* -sv