I am trying to document to myself, the variants of yum and related components for the servers I maintain. I end up with an outline form like this. I have left blank my 'answers', to avoid polluting the mailing list with inaccuracy. I would find it useful to have this authoritatively summarized and maintained at the yum site (possibly on an automated basis, as to the -t information). Most of the other information changes slowly enough that it need not be automated. -- Any hope? - Russ herrold ---------------- content starts ------------------------------ There are at least three 'current' variant versions of yum in use presently. Owing to changes in the RPM and python API over time, they break down thus: RPM version RHL version yum-stable yum-testing ------------- ------------ -------------- ------------- rpm-4.0.x 7.3 and earlier xxx-s xxx-t rpm-4.1.x 8.0 yyy-s yyy-t rpm-4.2.x Raw Hide and zzz-s zzz-t Phoebe [Note: There is presently a -phoebe testing version, which will be retired when a yum version addressing the next (presently in beta) Red Hat release is stable] ------------------------------------------------------------- Requirements: xxx-X uses the rpm-4.0.4 variants of rpm and python: [insert editted to minimiums version of: rpm -qa | grep rpm ; rpm -qa | grep pyth ; rpm -qa | grep yum ; for X in {st}] yyy-X uses the rpm-4.1.x variants of rpm, librpm404, and python: [ --ditto- ] zzz-X uses the rpm-4.2.x variants of rpm, librpm404, and python: [ -ditto- ] -------------------------------------------------- The librpm404 component is not included in a standard Red Hat after RHL 8.0. It was in part, a transition tool to permit using Python bindings of the rpm-4.0.x series in an rpm-4.1.x and later environment. This necessitated a re-design of yum to accomodate its absence. ------------------------ content ends -----------------