Dear Mentors, Contributors, The idea page is soft-freeze since the start of the student application period. However if you have a wonderful idea, we dont want to loose it. Therefore still there is the chance to add your idea to the idea page. But please be kind enough to post your idea to the summer-coding mailing list as well. This additional step will help interest parties to be keep in touch. However the page is open for ideas till 1st April only. Thereafter no idea will be entertained for GSOC 2012. This ensures every student get a reasonable time to get familiar with the new idea and present a application. Thanks for your support and interest. Will deliver a quality experience in this summer. Happy Summer Coding !! -- Regards, Buddhike Chandradeepa Kurera(bckurera) Fedora Ambassador - APAC region Event Liaison - Design Team Email: bckurera at | IRC: bckurera