On 10/16/13 09:49, Petr Tesarik wrote:
On Tue, 15 Oct 2013 12:02:51 -0400
Don Slutz <dslutz@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I have some code that allows this. See the following mail thread:
The questions are:
1. Does remote access have a specification?
2. Is it supported?
I have never even made it to work. But since there's now some new use
for it, I wouldn't object reviving the code.
3. Should the code be part of xen or crash?
I think it should be part of xen, because it needs the xen development
files, which would be a new dependency for the crash utility. Also, the
development cycle is more aligned with xen than crash.
Just my two cents,
Petr T
That is why I started with it in xen. Not sure where it will end up.
-Don Slutz
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