[PATCH 12/12] ASoC: Tidy up SOC_DOUBLE_* and SOC_SINGLE_* helpers

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Re-implement SOC_DOUBLE_VALUE() in terms of SOC_DOUBLE_S_VALUE().
SOC_DOUBLE_S_VALUE() already had a minimum value so add this to
SOC_DOUBLE_VALUE as well, this allows replacement of several hard coded
value entries. Likewise update SOC_SINGLE_VALUE to match, which allows
replacement of even more hard coded values.

Signed-off-by: Charles Keepax <ckeepax@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
 include/sound/soc-dapm.h |  4 +--
 include/sound/soc.h      | 65 +++++++++++++++-------------------------
 2 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/sound/soc-dapm.h b/include/sound/soc-dapm.h
index 4b8ef5b8a391e..af802ef536e73 100644
--- a/include/sound/soc-dapm.h
+++ b/include/sound/soc-dapm.h
@@ -356,14 +356,14 @@ struct soc_enum;
 {	.iface = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_IFACE_MIXER, .name = xname, \
 	.info = snd_soc_info_volsw, \
 	.get = snd_soc_dapm_get_volsw, .put = snd_soc_dapm_put_volsw, \
-	.private_value = SOC_SINGLE_VALUE(reg, shift, max, invert, 1) }
+	.private_value = SOC_SINGLE_VALUE(reg, shift, 0, max, invert, 1) }
 #define SOC_DAPM_SINGLE_TLV_AUTODISABLE(xname, reg, shift, max, invert, tlv_array) \
 {	.iface = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_IFACE_MIXER, .name = xname, \
 	.info = snd_soc_info_volsw, \
 	.tlv.p = (tlv_array), \
 	.get = snd_soc_dapm_get_volsw, .put = snd_soc_dapm_put_volsw, \
-	.private_value = SOC_SINGLE_VALUE(reg, shift, max, invert, 1) }
+	.private_value = SOC_SINGLE_VALUE(reg, shift, 0, max, invert, 1) }
 #define SOC_DAPM_PIN_SWITCH(xname) \
 {	.iface = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_IFACE_MIXER, .name = xname " Switch", \
 	.info = snd_soc_dapm_info_pin_switch, \
diff --git a/include/sound/soc.h b/include/sound/soc.h
index 390e08ba4dd45..a42d8d865eb12 100644
--- a/include/sound/soc.h
+++ b/include/sound/soc.h
@@ -39,18 +39,17 @@ struct platform_device;
  * Convenience kcontrol builders
-#define SOC_DOUBLE_VALUE(xreg, shift_left, shift_right, xmax, xinvert, xautodisable) \
-	((unsigned long)&(struct soc_mixer_control) \
-	{.reg = xreg, .rreg = xreg, .shift = shift_left, \
-	.rshift = shift_right, .max = xmax, \
-	.invert = xinvert, .autodisable = xautodisable})
-#define SOC_DOUBLE_S_VALUE(xreg, shift_left, shift_right, xmin, xmax, xsign_bit, xinvert, xautodisable) \
+#define SOC_DOUBLE_S_VALUE(xreg, shift_left, shift_right, xmin, xmax, xsign_bit, \
+			   xinvert, xautodisable) \
 	((unsigned long)&(struct soc_mixer_control) \
 	{.reg = xreg, .rreg = xreg, .shift = shift_left, \
 	.rshift = shift_right, .min = xmin, .max = xmax, \
 	.sign_bit = xsign_bit, .invert = xinvert, .autodisable = xautodisable})
-#define SOC_SINGLE_VALUE(xreg, xshift, xmax, xinvert, xautodisable) \
-	SOC_DOUBLE_VALUE(xreg, xshift, xshift, xmax, xinvert, xautodisable)
+#define SOC_DOUBLE_VALUE(xreg, shift_left, shift_right, xmin, xmax, xinvert, xautodisable) \
+	SOC_DOUBLE_S_VALUE(xreg, shift_left, shift_right, xmin, xmax, 0, xinvert, \
+			   xautodisable)
+#define SOC_SINGLE_VALUE(xreg, xshift, xmin, xmax, xinvert, xautodisable) \
+	SOC_DOUBLE_VALUE(xreg, xshift, xshift, xmin, xmax, xinvert, xautodisable)
 #define SOC_DOUBLE_R_S_VALUE(xlreg, xrreg, xshift, xmin, xmax, xsign_bit, xinvert) \
 	((unsigned long)&(struct soc_mixer_control) \
 	{.reg = xlreg, .rreg = xrreg, .shift = xshift, .rshift = xshift, \
@@ -63,15 +62,12 @@ struct platform_device;
 {	.iface = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_IFACE_MIXER, .name = xname, \
 	.info = snd_soc_info_volsw, .get = snd_soc_get_volsw,\
 	.put = snd_soc_put_volsw, \
-	.private_value = SOC_SINGLE_VALUE(reg, shift, max, invert, 0) }
+	.private_value = SOC_SINGLE_VALUE(reg, shift, 0, max, invert, 0) }
 #define SOC_SINGLE_RANGE(xname, xreg, xshift, xmin, xmax, xinvert) \
 {	.iface = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_IFACE_MIXER, .name = (xname),\
 	.info = snd_soc_info_volsw_range, .get = snd_soc_get_volsw_range, \
 	.put = snd_soc_put_volsw_range, \
-	.private_value = (unsigned long)&(struct soc_mixer_control) \
-		{.reg = xreg, .rreg = xreg, .shift = xshift, \
-		 .rshift = xshift,  .min = xmin, .max = xmax, \
-		 .invert = xinvert} }
+	.private_value = SOC_SINGLE_VALUE(xreg, xshift, xmin, xmax, xinvert, 0) }
 #define SOC_SINGLE_TLV(xname, reg, shift, max, invert, tlv_array) \
 {	.iface = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_IFACE_MIXER, .name = xname, \
@@ -79,7 +75,7 @@ struct platform_device;
 	.tlv.p = (tlv_array), \
 	.info = snd_soc_info_volsw, .get = snd_soc_get_volsw,\
 	.put = snd_soc_put_volsw, \
-	.private_value = SOC_SINGLE_VALUE(reg, shift, max, invert, 0) }
+	.private_value = SOC_SINGLE_VALUE(reg, shift, 0, max, invert, 0) }
 #define SOC_SINGLE_SX_TLV(xname, xreg, xshift, xmin, xmax, tlv_array) \
 {       .iface = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_IFACE_MIXER, .name = xname, \
@@ -88,10 +84,7 @@ struct platform_device;
 	.info = snd_soc_info_volsw_sx, \
 	.get = snd_soc_get_volsw_sx,\
 	.put = snd_soc_put_volsw_sx, \
-	.private_value = (unsigned long)&(struct soc_mixer_control) \
-		{.reg = xreg, .rreg = xreg, \
-		.shift = xshift, .rshift = xshift, \
-		.max = xmax, .min = xmin} }
+	.private_value = SOC_SINGLE_VALUE(xreg, xshift, xmin, xmax, 0, 0) }
 #define SOC_SINGLE_RANGE_TLV(xname, xreg, xshift, xmin, xmax, xinvert, tlv_array) \
 {	.iface = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_IFACE_MIXER, .name = (xname),\
@@ -99,16 +92,13 @@ struct platform_device;
 	.tlv.p = (tlv_array), \
 	.info = snd_soc_info_volsw_range, \
 	.get = snd_soc_get_volsw_range, .put = snd_soc_put_volsw_range, \
-	.private_value = (unsigned long)&(struct soc_mixer_control) \
-		{.reg = xreg, .rreg = xreg, .shift = xshift, \
-		 .rshift = xshift, .min = xmin, .max = xmax, \
-		 .invert = xinvert} }
+	.private_value = SOC_SINGLE_VALUE(xreg, xshift, xmin, xmax, xinvert, 0) }
 #define SOC_DOUBLE(xname, reg, shift_left, shift_right, max, invert) \
 {	.iface = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_IFACE_MIXER, .name = (xname),\
 	.info = snd_soc_info_volsw, .get = snd_soc_get_volsw, \
 	.put = snd_soc_put_volsw, \
 	.private_value = SOC_DOUBLE_VALUE(reg, shift_left, shift_right, \
-					  max, invert, 0) }
+					  0, max, invert, 0) }
 #define SOC_DOUBLE_STS(xname, reg, shift_left, shift_right, max, invert) \
 {									\
 	.iface = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_IFACE_MIXER, .name = (xname),		\
@@ -116,7 +106,7 @@ struct platform_device;
 	.access = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_ACCESS_READ |				\
 	.private_value = SOC_DOUBLE_VALUE(reg, shift_left, shift_right,	\
-					  max, invert, 0) }
+					  0, max, invert, 0) }
 #define SOC_DOUBLE_R(xname, reg_left, reg_right, xshift, xmax, xinvert) \
 {	.iface = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_IFACE_MIXER, .name = (xname), \
 	.info = snd_soc_info_volsw, \
@@ -138,7 +128,7 @@ struct platform_device;
 	.info = snd_soc_info_volsw, .get = snd_soc_get_volsw, \
 	.put = snd_soc_put_volsw, \
 	.private_value = SOC_DOUBLE_VALUE(reg, shift_left, shift_right, \
-					  max, invert, 0) }
+					  0, max, invert, 0) }
 #define SOC_DOUBLE_SX_TLV(xname, xreg, shift_left, shift_right, xmin, xmax, tlv_array) \
 {       .iface = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_IFACE_MIXER, .name = (xname), \
@@ -147,10 +137,8 @@ struct platform_device;
 	.info = snd_soc_info_volsw_sx, \
 	.get = snd_soc_get_volsw_sx, \
 	.put = snd_soc_put_volsw_sx, \
-	.private_value = (unsigned long)&(struct soc_mixer_control) \
-		{.reg = xreg, .rreg = xreg, \
-		.shift = shift_left, .rshift = shift_right, \
-		.max = xmax, .min = xmin} }
+	.private_value = SOC_DOUBLE_VALUE(xreg, shift_left, shift_right, \
+					  xmin, xmax, 0, 0) }
 #define SOC_DOUBLE_RANGE_TLV(xname, xreg, xshift_left, xshift_right, xmin, xmax, \
 			     xinvert, tlv_array) \
 {	.iface = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_IFACE_MIXER, .name = (xname),\
@@ -159,10 +147,8 @@ struct platform_device;
 	.tlv.p = (tlv_array), \
 	.info = snd_soc_info_volsw, \
 	.get = snd_soc_get_volsw, .put = snd_soc_put_volsw, \
-	.private_value = (unsigned long)&(struct soc_mixer_control) \
-		{.reg = xreg, .rreg = xreg, \
-		 .shift = xshift_left, .rshift = xshift_right, \
-		 .min = xmin, .max = xmax, .invert = xinvert} }
+	.private_value = SOC_DOUBLE_VALUE(xreg, shift_left, shift_right, \
+					  xmin, xmax, xinvert, 0) }
 #define SOC_DOUBLE_R_TLV(xname, reg_left, reg_right, xshift, xmax, xinvert, tlv_array) \
 {	.iface = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_IFACE_MIXER, .name = (xname),\
@@ -250,14 +236,14 @@ struct platform_device;
 {	.iface = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_IFACE_MIXER, .name = xname, \
 	.info = snd_soc_info_volsw, \
 	.get = xhandler_get, .put = xhandler_put, \
-	.private_value = SOC_SINGLE_VALUE(xreg, xshift, xmax, xinvert, 0) }
+	.private_value = SOC_SINGLE_VALUE(xreg, xshift, 0, xmax, xinvert, 0) }
 #define SOC_DOUBLE_EXT(xname, reg, shift_left, shift_right, max, invert,\
 	 xhandler_get, xhandler_put) \
 {	.iface = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_IFACE_MIXER, .name = (xname),\
 	.info = snd_soc_info_volsw, \
 	.get = xhandler_get, .put = xhandler_put, \
 	.private_value = \
-		SOC_DOUBLE_VALUE(reg, shift_left, shift_right, max, invert, 0) }
+		SOC_DOUBLE_VALUE(reg, shift_left, shift_right, 0, max, invert, 0) }
 #define SOC_DOUBLE_R_EXT(xname, reg_left, reg_right, xshift, xmax, xinvert,\
 	 xhandler_get, xhandler_put) \
 {	.iface = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_IFACE_MIXER, .name = (xname), \
@@ -273,7 +259,7 @@ struct platform_device;
 	.tlv.p = (tlv_array), \
 	.info = snd_soc_info_volsw, \
 	.get = xhandler_get, .put = xhandler_put, \
-	.private_value = SOC_SINGLE_VALUE(xreg, xshift, xmax, xinvert, 0) }
+	.private_value = SOC_SINGLE_VALUE(xreg, xshift, 0, xmax, xinvert, 0) }
 #define SOC_SINGLE_RANGE_EXT_TLV(xname, xreg, xshift, xmin, xmax, xinvert, \
 				 xhandler_get, xhandler_put, tlv_array) \
 {	.iface = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_IFACE_MIXER, .name = (xname),\
@@ -282,10 +268,7 @@ struct platform_device;
 	.tlv.p = (tlv_array), \
 	.info = snd_soc_info_volsw_range, \
 	.get = xhandler_get, .put = xhandler_put, \
-	.private_value = (unsigned long)&(struct soc_mixer_control) \
-		{.reg = xreg, .rreg = xreg, .shift = xshift, \
-		 .rshift = xshift, .min = xmin, .max = xmax, \
-		 .invert = xinvert} }
+	.private_value = SOC_SINGLE_VALUE(xreg, xshift, xmin, xmax, xinvert, 0) }
 #define SOC_DOUBLE_EXT_TLV(xname, xreg, shift_left, shift_right, xmax, xinvert,\
 	 xhandler_get, xhandler_put, tlv_array) \
 {	.iface = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_IFACE_MIXER, .name = (xname), \
@@ -295,7 +278,7 @@ struct platform_device;
 	.info = snd_soc_info_volsw, \
 	.get = xhandler_get, .put = xhandler_put, \
 	.private_value = SOC_DOUBLE_VALUE(xreg, shift_left, shift_right, \
-					  xmax, xinvert, 0) }
+					  0, xmax, xinvert, 0) }
 #define SOC_DOUBLE_R_EXT_TLV(xname, reg_left, reg_right, xshift, xmax, xinvert,\
 	 xhandler_get, xhandler_put, tlv_array) \
 {	.iface = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_IFACE_MIXER, .name = (xname), \

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