best backup strategy for full backup's

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Hi together,

actually i only do full-backup's of my virtual machines.
I use the for the backup the "old" strategy:
- virsh snapshot-create-as $vmname overlay --disk-only --atomic --no-metadata --quiesce
- copy the qcow2 image file
- virsh blockcommit $vmname $device --active --wait --pivot
- the guest agent in the VM got's an 2 seconds freeze/thaw intervall

Now i want to switch to the new strategy with "backup-begin".
- virsh backup-begin $vmname
- the guest agent does not got an freez/thaw signal

As the guest agent got's no signal, is the backup over "backup-begin" still consistent ?
Or do i have to be consistent to send an virsh domfsfreeze $vmname before starting the backup and an
virsh domfsthaw $vmname it it is finished ?
If so, the time intervall between freeze/thaw would be on an huge disk much more then 2 secords.

So, is the old method currently still the better way, if only doing full-backup's ?

best regards,

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