I'm planning on upgrading the OS on my host machine by doing
manual re-installation, which will trigger an upgrade of libvirt
from 1.1.3 to 6.1.0. Hardware, storage volumes & paths, etc.,
will be the same after upgrade.
I was going to redefine & start everything from .xml files,
starting with the network
virsh net-define <network XML>
virsh net-autostart <network>
virsh net-start <network>
and following with all the guests
virsh define <domain XML>
virsh autostart <domain>
virsh start <domain>
- Do I need to generate XML dumps manually, or is it ok to use
the ones from host's /etc/libvirt?
- Do I need to define & start storage pools & volumes
explicitly, or will they be picked up from domain definitions?
- Anything else I should worry about or prepare ahead?