I am pretty new to libvirt, but have succeeded in setting up two VM's,
Windows 10 and ClearOS (a Centos derivative) and they both have the same
issue. I have installed both of them with a UK English keyboard, but the
host machine is remote and in the US with a US locale. When I access
either through VNC (I've tried TightVNC and VNC-Viewer), a number of my
keys don't map correctly. As an example the \ key comes up with a #, and
the # key comes up with a 3 (as does the 3 key). Other keys are the
standard US type of mapping, but the £ (above 3) comes up blank and the
$ (above 4) comes up with $ which, I think is the UK setting and not the
US setting. At this point I am thoroughly confused.
Does anyone have any ideas?
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