Prevent guest to host CPU overloads

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I have a domain on a host that makes it to get on a overload, i.g. host
stops responding.
The host is a Fedora 22 with follow packages:

QEMU emulator version 2.3.0
libvirtd (libvirt)

VM is a MS Windows environment...

I followed some info on libvirtd wiki but cannot get the idea to limit
guest resources into libvirt or get guest limits to enforce host has

Must iothread and iops limits be sufficient?

I attach some domain info.

Thanks in advance.
<domain type='kvm' id='2'>
  <memory unit='KiB'>97792000</memory>
  <currentMemory unit='KiB'>97792000</currentMemory>
  <vcpu placement='static'>12</vcpu>
    <type arch='x86_64' machine='pc-i440fx-2.3'>hvm</type>
    <boot dev='hd'/>
  <cpu mode='custom' match='exact'>
    <model fallback='allow'>Westmere</model>
    <topology sockets='1' cores='12' threads='1'/>
    <feature policy='require' name='vme'/>
    <feature policy='require' name='dtes64'/>
    <feature policy='require' name='vmx'/>
    <feature policy='require' name='xtpr'/>
    <feature policy='require' name='pcid'/>
    <feature policy='require' name='est'/>
    <feature policy='require' name='monitor'/>
    <feature policy='require' name='smx'/>
    <feature policy='require' name='tm'/>
    <feature policy='require' name='pclmuldq'/>
    <feature policy='require' name='acpi'/>
    <feature policy='require' name='tm2'/>
    <feature policy='require' name='ht'/>
    <feature policy='require' name='dca'/>
    <feature policy='require' name='pdcm'/>
    <feature policy='require' name='pdpe1gb'/>
    <feature policy='require' name='ds'/>
    <feature policy='require' name='invtsc'/>
    <feature policy='require' name='rdtscp'/>
    <feature policy='require' name='ss'/>
    <feature policy='require' name='pbe'/>
    <feature policy='require' name='ds_cpl'/>
  <clock offset='localtime'/>
    <disk type='block' device='disk'>
      <driver name='qemu' type='raw'/>
      <source dev='/dev/fedora/INSTANCE001'/>
      <target dev='vda' bus='virtio'/>
      <alias name='virtio-disk0'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x04' function='0x0'/>
    <controller type='usb' index='0'>
      <alias name='usb0'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x01' function='0x2'/>
    <controller type='pci' index='0' model='pci-root'>
      <alias name='pci.0'/>
    <controller type='virtio-serial' index='0'>
      <alias name='virtio-serial0'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x03' function='0x0'/>
    <controller type='ide' index='0'>
      <alias name='ide0'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x01' function='0x1'/>
    <interface type='direct'>
      <mac address='00:50:56:a4:00:0a'/>
      <source dev='eno1' mode='vepa'/>
      <target dev='macvtap0'/>
      <model type='virtio'/>
      <alias name='net0'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x06' function='0x0'/>
    <serial type='pty'>
      <source path='/dev/pts/0'/>
      <target port='0'/>
      <alias name='serial0'/>
    <console type='pty' tty='/dev/pts/0'>
      <source path='/dev/pts/0'/>
      <target type='serial' port='0'/>
      <alias name='serial0'/>
    <channel type='spicevmc'>
      <target type='virtio' name='com.redhat.spice.0' state='disconnected'/>
      <alias name='channel0'/>
      <address type='virtio-serial' controller='0' bus='0' port='1'/>
    <input type='tablet' bus='usb'>
      <alias name='input0'/>
    <input type='mouse' bus='ps2'/>
    <input type='keyboard' bus='ps2'/>
    <graphics type='spice' port='5900' autoport='yes' listen=''>
      <listen type='address' address=''/>
      <model type='qxl' ram='65536' vram='65536' vgamem='16384' heads='1'/>
      <alias name='video0'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x02' function='0x0'/>
    <memballoon model='virtio'>
      <alias name='balloon0'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x05' function='0x0'/>

bus: main-system-bus
  type System
  dev: hpet, id ""
    gpio-in "" 2
    gpio-out "" 1
    gpio-out "sysbus-irq" 32
    timers = 3 (0x3)
    msi = false
    hpet-intcap = 4 (0x4)
    mmio 00000000fed00000/0000000000000400
  dev: kvm-ioapic, id ""
    gpio-in "" 24
    gsi_base = 0 (0x0)
    mmio 00000000fec00000/0000000000001000
  dev: i440FX-pcihost, id ""
    pci-hole64-size = 18446744073709551615 (16 EiB)
    short_root_bus = 0 (0x0)
    bus: pci.0
      type PCI
      dev: virtio-balloon-pci, id "balloon0"
        class = 255 (0xff)
        virtio-pci-bus-master-bug-migration = false
        indirect_desc = true
        event_idx = true
        addr = 05.0
        romfile = ""
        rombar = 1 (0x1)
        multifunction = false
        command_serr_enable = true
        class Class 00ff, addr 00:05.0, pci id 1af4:1002 (sub 1af4:0005)
        bar 0: i/o at 0xc0a0 [0xc0bf]
        bus: virtio-bus
          type virtio-pci-bus
          dev: virtio-balloon-device, id ""
      dev: qxl-vga, id "video0"
        ram_size = 67108864 (0x4000000)
        vram_size = 67108864 (0x4000000)
        revision = 4 (0x4)
        debug = 0 (0x0)
        guestdebug = 0 (0x0)
        cmdlog = 0 (0x0)
        ram_size_mb = 4294967295 (0xffffffff)
        vram_size_mb = 4294967295 (0xffffffff)
        vram64_size_mb = 4294967295 (0xffffffff)
        vgamem_mb = 16 (0x10)
        surfaces = 1024 (0x400)
        addr = 02.0
        romfile = "vgabios-qxl.bin"
        rombar = 1 (0x1)
        multifunction = false
        command_serr_enable = true
        class VGA controller, addr 00:02.0, pci id 1b36:0100 (sub 1af4:1100)
        bar 0: mem at 0xf4000000 [0xf7ffffff]
        bar 1: mem at 0xf8000000 [0xfbffffff]
        bar 2: mem at 0xfc050000 [0xfc051fff]
        bar 3: i/o at 0xc060 [0xc07f]
        bar 6: mem at 0xffffffffffffffff [0xfffe]
      dev: virtio-net-pci, id "net0"
        ioeventfd = false
        vectors = 3 (0x3)
        any_layout = true
        csum = true
        guest_csum = true
        gso = true
        guest_tso4 = true
        guest_tso6 = true
        guest_ecn = true
        guest_ufo = true
        guest_announce = true
        host_tso4 = true
        host_tso6 = true
        host_ecn = true
        host_ufo = true
        mrg_rxbuf = true
        status = true
        ctrl_vq = true
        ctrl_rx = true
        ctrl_vlan = true
        ctrl_rx_extra = true
        ctrl_mac_addr = true
        ctrl_guest_offloads = true
        mq = false
        virtio-pci-bus-master-bug-migration = false
        indirect_desc = true
        event_idx = true
        addr = 06.0
        romfile = "efi-virtio.rom"
        rombar = 1 (0x1)
        multifunction = false
        command_serr_enable = true
        class Ethernet controller, addr 00:06.0, pci id 1af4:1000 (sub 1af4:0001)
        bar 0: i/o at 0xc0c0 [0xc0df]
        bar 1: mem at 0xfc054000 [0xfc054fff]
        bar 6: mem at 0xffffffffffffffff [0x3fffe]
        bus: virtio-bus
          type virtio-pci-bus
          dev: virtio-net-device, id ""
            mac = "00:50:56:a4:00:0a"
            vlan = <null>
            netdev = "hostnet0"
            x-txtimer = 150000 (0x249f0)
            x-txburst = 256 (0x100)
            tx = ""
      dev: virtio-blk-pci, id "virtio-disk0"
        class = 0 (0x0)
        ioeventfd = true
        vectors = 2 (0x2)
        virtio-pci-bus-master-bug-migration = false
        indirect_desc = true
        event_idx = true
        addr = 04.0
        romfile = ""
        rombar = 1 (0x1)
        multifunction = false
        command_serr_enable = true
        class SCSI controller, addr 00:04.0, pci id 1af4:1001 (sub 1af4:0002)
        bar 0: i/o at 0xc000 [0xc03f]
        bar 1: mem at 0xfc053000 [0xfc053fff]
        bus: virtio-bus
          type virtio-pci-bus
          dev: virtio-blk-device, id ""
            drive = "drive-virtio-disk0"
            logical_block_size = 512 (0x200)
            physical_block_size = 512 (0x200)
            min_io_size = 0 (0x0)
            opt_io_size = 0 (0x0)
            discard_granularity = 4294967295 (0xffffffff)
            cyls = 16383 (0x3fff)
            heads = 16 (0x10)
            secs = 63 (0x3f)
            serial = ""
            config-wce = true
            scsi = false
            request-merging = true
            x-data-plane = false
      dev: virtio-serial-pci, id "virtio-serial0"
        ioeventfd = true
        vectors = 2 (0x2)
        class = 1920 (0x780)
        virtio-pci-bus-master-bug-migration = false
        indirect_desc = true
        event_idx = true
        addr = 03.0
        romfile = ""
        rombar = 1 (0x1)
        multifunction = false
        command_serr_enable = true
        class Class 0780, addr 00:03.0, pci id 1af4:1003 (sub 1af4:0003)
        bar 0: i/o at 0xc080 [0xc09f]
        bar 1: mem at 0xfc052000 [0xfc052fff]
        bus: virtio-bus
          type virtio-pci-bus
          dev: virtio-serial-device, id ""
            max_ports = 31 (0x1f)
            bus: virtio-serial0.0
              type virtio-serial-bus
              dev: virtserialport, id "channel0"
                chardev = "charchannel0"
                nr = 1 (0x1)
                name = "com.redhat.spice.0"
                port 1, guest off, host off, throttle off
      dev: piix3-usb-uhci, id "usb"
        bandwidth = 1280 (0x500)
        maxframes = 128 (0x80)
        addr = 01.2
        romfile = ""
        rombar = 1 (0x1)
        multifunction = false
        command_serr_enable = true
        class USB controller, addr 00:01.2, pci id 8086:7020 (sub 1af4:1100)
        bar 4: i/o at 0xc040 [0xc05f]
        bus: usb.0
          type usb-bus
          dev: usb-tablet, id "input0"
            usb_version = 2 (0x2)
            display = ""
            head = 0 (0x0)
            port = ""
            serial = ""
            full-path = true
            msos-desc = true
            addr 0.1, port 1, speed 12, name QEMU USB Tablet, attached
      dev: PIIX4_PM, id ""
        smb_io_base = 1792 (0x700)
        disable_s3 = 0 (0x0)
        disable_s4 = 0 (0x0)
        s4_val = 2 (0x2)
        acpi-pci-hotplug-with-bridge-support = true
        memory-hotplug-support = true
        addr = 01.3
        romfile = ""
        rombar = 1 (0x1)
        multifunction = false
        command_serr_enable = true
        class Bridge, addr 00:01.3, pci id 8086:7113 (sub 1af4:1100)
        bus: i2c
          type i2c-bus
          dev: smbus-eeprom, id ""
            address = 87 (0x57)
          dev: smbus-eeprom, id ""
            address = 86 (0x56)
          dev: smbus-eeprom, id ""
            address = 85 (0x55)
          dev: smbus-eeprom, id ""
            address = 84 (0x54)
          dev: smbus-eeprom, id ""
            address = 83 (0x53)
          dev: smbus-eeprom, id ""
            address = 82 (0x52)
          dev: smbus-eeprom, id ""
            address = 81 (0x51)
          dev: smbus-eeprom, id ""
            address = 80 (0x50)
      dev: piix3-ide, id ""
        addr = 01.1
        romfile = ""
        rombar = 1 (0x1)
        multifunction = false
        command_serr_enable = true
        class IDE controller, addr 00:01.1, pci id 8086:7010 (sub 1af4:1100)
        bar 4: i/o at 0xc0e0 [0xc0ef]
        bus: ide.1
          type IDE
        bus: ide.0
          type IDE
      dev: PIIX3, id ""
        addr = 01.0
        romfile = ""
        rombar = 1 (0x1)
        multifunction = true
        command_serr_enable = true
        class ISA bridge, addr 00:01.0, pci id 8086:7000 (sub 1af4:1100)
        bus: isa.0
          type ISA
          dev: isa-serial, id "serial0"
            index = 0 (0x0)
            iobase = 1016 (0x3f8)
            irq = 4 (0x4)
            chardev = "charserial0"
            wakeup = 0 (0x0)
            isa irq 4
          dev: isa-fdc, id ""
            iobase = 1008 (0x3f0)
            irq = 6 (0x6)
            dma = 2 (0x2)
            driveA = ""
            driveB = ""
            check_media_rate = true
            isa irq 6
          dev: port92, id ""
          dev: vmmouse, id ""
          dev: vmport, id ""
          dev: i8042, id ""
            isa irqs 1,12
          dev: isa-pcspk, id ""
            iobase = 97 (0x61)
          dev: kvm-pit, id ""
            gpio-in "" 1
            iobase = 64 (0x40)
            lost_tick_policy = "delay"
          dev: mc146818rtc, id ""
            base_year = 0 (0x0)
            lost_tick_policy = "discard"
          dev: kvm-i8259, id ""
            iobase = 160 (0xa0)
            elcr_addr = 1233 (0x4d1)
            elcr_mask = 222 (0xde)
            master = false
          dev: kvm-i8259, id ""
            iobase = 32 (0x20)
            elcr_addr = 1232 (0x4d0)
            elcr_mask = 248 (0xf8)
            master = true
      dev: i440FX, id ""
        addr = 00.0
        romfile = ""
        rombar = 1 (0x1)
        multifunction = false
        command_serr_enable = true
        class Host bridge, addr 00:00.0, pci id 8086:1237 (sub 1af4:1100)
  dev: fw_cfg_io, id ""
    iobase = 1296 (0x510)
  dev: kvmclock, id ""
  dev: kvmvapic, id ""
  dev: icc-bridge, id ""
    mmio 00000000fee00000/0000000000100000
    bus: icc
      type icc-bus
      dev: kvm-apic, id ""
        id = 11 (0xb)
        version = 20 (0x14)
        vapic = true
      dev: Westmere-x86_64-cpu, id ""
        pmu = false
        hv-spinlocks = -1 (0xffffffffffffffff)
        hv-relaxed = false
        hv-vapic = false
        hv-time = false
        check = false
        enforce = false
        kvm = true
      dev: kvm-apic, id ""
        id = 10 (0xa)
        version = 20 (0x14)
        vapic = true
      dev: Westmere-x86_64-cpu, id ""
        pmu = false
        hv-spinlocks = -1 (0xffffffffffffffff)
        hv-relaxed = false
        hv-vapic = false
        hv-time = false
        check = false
        enforce = false
        kvm = true
      dev: kvm-apic, id ""
        id = 9 (0x9)
        version = 20 (0x14)
        vapic = true
      dev: Westmere-x86_64-cpu, id ""
        pmu = false
        hv-spinlocks = -1 (0xffffffffffffffff)
        hv-relaxed = false
        hv-vapic = false
        hv-time = false
        check = false
        enforce = false
        kvm = true
      dev: kvm-apic, id ""
        id = 8 (0x8)
        version = 20 (0x14)
        vapic = true
      dev: Westmere-x86_64-cpu, id ""
        pmu = false
        hv-spinlocks = -1 (0xffffffffffffffff)
        hv-relaxed = false
        hv-vapic = false
        hv-time = false
        check = false
        enforce = false
        kvm = true
      dev: kvm-apic, id ""
        id = 7 (0x7)
        version = 20 (0x14)
        vapic = true
      dev: Westmere-x86_64-cpu, id ""
        pmu = false
        hv-spinlocks = -1 (0xffffffffffffffff)
        hv-relaxed = false
        hv-vapic = false
        hv-time = false
        check = false
        enforce = false
        kvm = true
      dev: kvm-apic, id ""
        id = 6 (0x6)
        version = 20 (0x14)
        vapic = true
      dev: Westmere-x86_64-cpu, id ""
        pmu = false
        hv-spinlocks = -1 (0xffffffffffffffff)
        hv-relaxed = false
        hv-vapic = false
        hv-time = false
        check = false
        enforce = false
        kvm = true
      dev: kvm-apic, id ""
        id = 5 (0x5)
        version = 20 (0x14)
        vapic = true
      dev: Westmere-x86_64-cpu, id ""
        pmu = false
        hv-spinlocks = -1 (0xffffffffffffffff)
        hv-relaxed = false
        hv-vapic = false
        hv-time = false
        check = false
        enforce = false
        kvm = true
      dev: kvm-apic, id ""
        id = 4 (0x4)
        version = 20 (0x14)
        vapic = true
      dev: Westmere-x86_64-cpu, id ""
        pmu = false
        hv-spinlocks = -1 (0xffffffffffffffff)
        hv-relaxed = false
        hv-vapic = false
        hv-time = false
        check = false
        enforce = false
        kvm = true
      dev: kvm-apic, id ""
        id = 3 (0x3)
        version = 20 (0x14)
        vapic = true
      dev: Westmere-x86_64-cpu, id ""
        pmu = false
        hv-spinlocks = -1 (0xffffffffffffffff)
        hv-relaxed = false
        hv-vapic = false
        hv-time = false
        check = false
        enforce = false
        kvm = true
      dev: kvm-apic, id ""
        id = 2 (0x2)
        version = 20 (0x14)
        vapic = true
      dev: Westmere-x86_64-cpu, id ""
        pmu = false
        hv-spinlocks = -1 (0xffffffffffffffff)
        hv-relaxed = false
        hv-vapic = false
        hv-time = false
        check = false
        enforce = false
        kvm = true
      dev: kvm-apic, id ""
        id = 1 (0x1)
        version = 20 (0x14)
        vapic = true
      dev: Westmere-x86_64-cpu, id ""
        pmu = false
        hv-spinlocks = -1 (0xffffffffffffffff)
        hv-relaxed = false
        hv-vapic = false
        hv-time = false
        check = false
        enforce = false
        kvm = true
      dev: kvm-apic, id ""
        id = 0 (0x0)
        version = 20 (0x14)
        vapic = true
      dev: Westmere-x86_64-cpu, id ""
        pmu = false
        hv-spinlocks = -1 (0xffffffffffffffff)
        hv-relaxed = false
        hv-vapic = false
        hv-time = false
        check = false
        enforce = false
        kvm = true

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